Leveraging data insights to accelerate profitable growth for your agency  

Data-driven agencies achieve a 30% increase in revenue per recruiter and a 15% decrease in operational costs – which means that understanding your agency’s data insights will not only allow you to make more informed decisions, but also visibly boost your profitability and the quality of services you provide.  

However, in order to reap the benefits of data insights, you need to first find your way to decipher the data in your system – and the data available for your market, too. Both your individual agency’s reports and industry ones are vital factors that will enable you to make decisions that lead to profitable growth. 

In order to successfully manage your agency’s finances and growth plans, you need to know how much revenue you’re making and where is it coming from at all times. This will allow you to tailor your strategy and focus your resources on the areas that actually generate profit, maximising the return on investment from all of your business decisions. These are the top 4 revenue metrics you should be tracking in your CRM:  

Keep Track of Sales Revenue

Understand Candidate Sources to Maximise ROI

Understanding where candidates that you successfully place are coming from is vital in directing your investment and efforts effectively. Why waste resources trying to utilise candidate sources that don't convert?  

Revenue from successful placements 

Lost revenue from failed placements

Sales forecasts vs actual sales

Sales from contract extensions

The Steps to Maximising Your Data Insights 

Keep Track of Your Sales Revenue

Understand Candidate Sources

Analyse Recruiter Activity and Outcomes 

Compare Performance Against Your Sector

Measure Marketing Success Rates

Understand Recruiter Activity and Outcomes

Your agency would be nothing without your recruiters – and if you don’t know which actions of theirs are bringing candidates and placements and which are slowing you down, you won’t be able to create a strong, effective, and repeatable strategy for success (or coach them).  

Compare Performance Against Your Sector

Looking at your internal data will give you a great understanding of the impact of internal actions, but you need to look at the market more broadly to truly understand how your agency is performing. Using industry benchmarking to compare your sales performance against the wider industry will give you a much greater level of insight.
By looking at the wider marketing and tracking your performance against competitors in your sector you will be able see if your performance is good or bad in the wider market setting. After all, a 20% uplift is great unless all of your competitors achieved 50% and you actually underperformed against the opportunity.  

Identify individual performance levels

Real-time KPI Tracking

Compare recruiter performance

Having warm talent ready to be placed is not 'nice to have', it's a necessity. ​ 
Tracking where your applications are coming from will allow you to determine which parts of your marketing strategy work and which don't. These metrics will help you to identify how well targeted your communications are for each of your candidate talent pools.  
Interrogate your email marketing activity, including open and click rates, to identify gaps in your strategy. What is more, it’s vital that you understand whether the tools your spend money on actually bring you a return on investment – so make sure you check whether your job boards are actually bringing you applications.  

Measure Marketing Success Rates 

Putting data at the heart of your
recruitment agency.

Review the most active channels for candidate registrations

The first step to maximising your candidate ROI is finding out where your candidates actually come from – and your CRM will help you with that. When you ensure that all of your funnels meet at the single source of truth, you have a clear overview of all of your candidates and what channels they find your agency through.

Within your reports dashboard, you can see the candidates segmented by the channels they registered from. With that knowledge, you can then focus your resources on these channels that bring you the highest number of new and quality candidates.